A common mistake is to 3 bet a hand which may seem like a strong hand, but against the range that villain continues with, is relatively weak.
This means that they will call your 3-bet with a decent amount of worse hands. The best players to target with value 3 bets are those with a low fold-to-3 bet. We 3 bet for value because we believe our hand to be stronger than our opponents hand, so we want to milk as much money out of our opponent as possible. To set up a post-flop steal (or pre-flop steal).Before you 3 bet you should have one of them in mind: There are 3 main reasons why you want to 3 bet.
The mandatory blinds count as the first bet, the open-raise counts as the second bet, and any raise following this will be a 3 bet. 3 bets can happen on any street, but this article will focus on preflop 3betting. This article will focus on pre-flop 3-Betting So what is a 3 bet in poker?